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Submit Manuscript/Instructions for Authors

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Articles will be Judged As per Instructions Given to the Reviewers [To Know More, Click at Instructions for Reviewers]

Indian Journal of Medical Case Reports (JCR) is an open access online international journal that provides online publication of Medical Case Reports, research and review articles from various aspect of medical sciences.

Manuscript along with 'Undertaking Form; and name, address (including e-mail id), approximate year of experience of two relevant referees should be submitted via author's own e-mail only. Kindly go through our Terms and Conditions and Publication Process, Publication Ethics and other relevant sections (given in this website) thoroughly before submitting your manuscript.

Instructions for Authors

The time taken to review the manuscripts will be approximately one month. Manuscript will be accepted for publication within a week, if and only, after it is revised (strictly as per referee's instructions) and E-mailed back to the CIBTech office. Author should take printout, manually fill and e-mail the 'Undertaking Form' along with the manuscript via personal e-mail only. The form can also be sent via surface mail to CIBTech's Postal address.

Manuscript Format: All manuscripts should be submitted in English. It should be typed in Times New Roman, font size 11, single space with page margin of 1" on all the four sides. Manuscripts in general should be organized in the following order: Type of manuscript, title, author(s) name(s), institutional/ departmental affiliation(s) (with more than one affiliation to be shown by numeric superscripts), present address(es), abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, result and discussion, acknowledgements and references. Tables, display items/figures/illustrations (with explanations) must be incorporated within the text as and wherever necessary. The scientific names of any plant, animal and microbial species should be written in italics. The metric system should be followed throughout. Abbreviations should be given in words the first time they are used. Submission of article is understood to imply that the article is original and unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Fonts used in manuscript preparation should be Times, Times New Roman or Arial. Manuscript should be prepared in MS Office Word (version upto 2007) with graphs in MS Office Excel (version upto 2007) and drawing saved in JPEG format. Original file of any matter prepared in Excel or Coral Draw etc. must be supplied along with the manuscript so that the size of the matter/figure could be adjusted as per our final format. The manuscript matter should be free from computer viruses. Authors can see our Instructions for Reviewers webpage to go through the criteria on the basis of which any manuscript would be judged.

Manuscript Type and Size Limit:

Manuscripts submitted should adhere to the length specified below. Manuscripts exceeding the size limit will be returned for condensing even before reviewing.

General article: Covers current trends in Medical Sciences, but, might be interesting to general science readers outside that field. Such articles should include interdisciplinary topics, science policy and science administration, impact of science and technology on society or lifestyle. The articles should be organized in the following order: title, short abstract, introductory paragraph, brief subheads, display items, and references. Upper limit is 5000 words and 3 display items*.

Research article: Covers research work of scientific excellence. Experimental procedures should be given in sufficient detail for others to verify the work. The articles are structured with Title, Authors (with affiliations), Abstract (less than 400 words), 5-8 Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgement and References, in its order. It is limited to 6000 words and 3 display items.

Case report: It includes case reports in various areas of Medical Sciences.  The article should include Title, Abstract, Cases, Discussion and References. Author can include upto 3 tables and 4 figures.

Review article: It focuses on current advancements in the field. It is limited to 7000 words and 4 display items. Reviews should have logical analysis and interpretation of information scattered in pieces. Number of references cited in any review article must be from 75-120. The articles are structured with Title, Authors (with affiliations), Abstract (less than 400 words), 5-8 Keywords, Introduction, Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References, in its order.

Addendum: It includes article giving additional information on earlier published research work of the author, which due to space limitation or additional and associated work carried out later on, couldn't be included in that paper. Author can include upto 3 tables and 3 figures.

Book review: By author(s) other than who have written the book. The size limit is 1000 words.

*Note (Table, Figures, Graphs and Photo/Photo plates): 1 display item means a graph or drawing or single photo or a complete photo plate with each item not more than of 500KB size. The size of the item must be within 5.5 inch X 7.5 inch dimension. Single photo should be within 4inch X 6 inch dimension. Disproportionately increasing or decreasing the size of the photos by dragging the boundaries will not be accepted. One can condense the size of the photo by selecting the ‘maintain aspect ratio’ box or by using '%age reduction' option. Number of table should be upto 3 in any article except in review where it can be upto 4 in number (single table means that lies within the single published page). Size of the table should be within 5.5 inch X 7.5 inch typed in a font size of 10.

References: Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Avoid citation in the abstract. The references should be well updated and arranged alphabetically. More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters "a", "b", "c", etc., placed after the year of publication. Any crucial statement must be supported by reference. Reference should contain: author(s) last name(s) followed by initials, year, full title, journal's full name (in italics), volume number (in bold), issue number (in bracket) and inclusive page numbers. All the references must be included in the text. Citations in the text should be by surname with year closed within the brackets. Only surname of the authors should be included e.g., Sharma and Khan (2005). If a paper has three or more authors then it should be referred as surname of the first author followed by et al. e.g., Negi et al., (2011). Please avoid using footnotes.


Pavri NP and Trudell ML(1997). An efficient method for the synthesis of 3-arylpyrroles. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 62 (8) 2649-2651.

Welch JT, Yamazaki T, and Gimi R (1992). Enantioselective synthesis of monofluorinated compounds from building Blocks. In: Synthetic Fluorine Chemistry, Edited by Olah GA, Chambers RD and Prakash GKS (J. Wiley and Sons) 329-358.

Guillaume Launay (2010). New approaches for C-F bond formation in organic chemistry. PhD Thesis, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK.

Online Reference Format

Avoid using references of any online website source (other than Online Journal/Book/Scientific Review having ISSN, Scientific and Government libraries, Online Software) which could change its matter frequently or can possibly delete it. Matter published in any abstract booklet need not be included. For online reference format, follow the following advice, based on the recommendations of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Referencing Web Material

Author or Editor, Year when web page was created (if known), Title (in italics or underlined), [Online], Edition, Place of Publication, Publisher (if ascertainable) or Organisation responsible for providing and maintaining the information, available URL (Format as: http://internet address/remote path) and the Date Source was Accessed [in square brackets]. If no date is given, write (No date) as shown below.

British Lawnmower Museum (No date) Lawnmowers of the Rich and Famous [Online] Southport, British Lawnmower Museum. Available at: http://www.lawnmowerworld.co.uk/Rich.htm [Accessed 10 March 2004]

Referencing Online Journals

Include all the following information in the electronic journal reference, if possible:

Author/Editor, Year of publication, Article title, Journal title (in italics or underlined), [Online], Volume number (in bold), Part/Issue number (in brackets), Available URL (http://internet address/remote path) and the Date accessed [in square brackets].

Hart K (1998). The place of the 1898 Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to the Torres Straits (CAETS) in the history of British social anthropology. Science as Culture [Online] 11 Available: http://human-nature.com/science-as-culture/hart.html [Accessed 9 November 2003]

Acknowledgement should be as brief as possible.

Referees: Author needs to mention the name, experience, contact address including the E-mail Id of two expert referees related to the manuscript thus submitted. 

Figures and Tables: Any table or figure should have a short title typed in bold. Table must be submitted in MS Word format. Table should have only outer boundary, with headings and subheading written in bold letters. Tables and display items should be numbered separately (Table 1, Fig. 1) and must be cited in the text. Any drawing must have white background. Figure captions should be self explanatory. Photo or figure should be labeled using black arrow/line segment and abbreviated capital letters. The outline of the photoplate should be either in square or rectangular shape. Gap between the margins of any two adjacent photographs, within the photoplate, should not be more than one mm. Photographs on any photo plate should be numbered with capital letter. Each photoplate must be explained separately under 'Explanation to the figures' section at the end of the manuscript. All the abbreviations should be explained in this section, arranged alphabetically within the bracket, at the end for e.g., (Abbrv. Vc-vesicle, Chy-chalamydospore, Hy-hyphae). Figure or Chemical structure can be drawn using any tool/software but must be first saved in JPEG format and then pasted in the MS OFFICE WORD file. Even if MS OFFICE WORD tools are used to label the figures or chemical structure, the finalized figure should be saved in JPEG format (i.e., using print screen command etc.) and then again pasted at the initial position of the Figure in the text. This is to prevent the figure/structure from being getting distorted during finalization of the article. Original Excel file (if used) of the Figure/Bar diagram must be supplied along with the manuscript. 

Size Limit: Size limit for Entire Manuscript is 2 MB.

Being an online journal, no hard copy of the journal or its part will be sent to the author(s). Authors can take out the printouts of their articles and also distribute its hard and soft copies.


Indian Journal of Medical Case Reports

Plot No. 17, Narayan Sagar Vistaar, Gopalpura Bypass

Near Narayan Vihar C Block, Near Happy Children Park and Balaji Property

Post Office: Mansarowar

Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 302020

Mobile: +91-9636711774

E-mail: editor@cibtech.org, cibtech@yahoo.com, cibtech.journal@gmail.com 

Manuscript can be E-mailed to the editorial office using following e-mails:

editor@cibtech.org, cibtech@yahoo.com, cibtech.journal@gmail.com 

A manuscript number will be E-mailed to the corresponding author after receiving the manuscript, within a day or two. Author will have to mention this manuscript number during future communication


"Scholarly Peer Reviewed, Quality Scientific Publication"